If you considering Koroseal Reatec or any other wallcovering project we want you to be fully knowledgeable of your investment. This page has been designed to answer many of the questions you may have. If you have any further questions or we can assist you in any way, please contact Silverado Wallcovering at 707-480-9362. For your convenience, you can request services online.
What is Koroseal Reatec?
Koroseal Reatec is a decorative film that is used for resurfacing and primarily made from PVC, pressure sensitive adhesive and release paper. In other words, it is an overlay wallcovering that can be installed on doors and frames, cabinets, elevators doors, etc.
What are the dimensions of Koroseal Reatec?
Koroseal Reatec is 48" wide and 8 mil thick including the adhesive and each roll of Koroseal Reatec is 50 meters or 54 yards long.
What is the weight of Koroseal Reatec?
Weighing less than 370 grams per linear meter or 11.7 ounces per linear yard, Koroseal Reatec is actually lighter than most decorative products available. Because Koroseal Reatec is so light-weight it is a perfect solution for such applications such as elevators, movable partitions, office dividers, exhibit displays, etc where weight is a factor.
What is the thickness of Koroseal Reatec?
Koroseal Reatec wallcovering is only about 0.2mm (0.008") thick excluding the release paper. Because the thickness of Koroseal Reatec is similar to paint, Koroseal Reatec is a great solution for remodeling projects such as store fixtures, doors and frames, cabinets, elevators doors, etc.
What is the width and length of a roll of Koroseal Reatec?
Koroseal Reatec is packaged in rolls that are 1.2 meters or 48” wide and 50 meters or 54 yards lo so that Koroseal Reatec can be applied to most doors, partitions and high columns without creating seams.
How much down-time should I expect while having my Koroseal Reatec installed?
In reality the down-time is minimal for most Koroseal Reatec applications. This allows major businesses such as a healthcare facility to remain in full operation while our experts resurface your nursing stations, patient room wallboards & cabinets. In addition, businesses such as shopping centers, restaurants or banks can be resurfaced at night when the business is closed.
Is Koroseal Reatec available in custom patterns and colors?
Absolutely! Because Koroseal Reatec is so versatile it can be created in a wide variety of colors to accentuate any decor style.
What kind of adhesive is used to install Koroseal Reatec?
Koroseal Reatec is installed with a pressure sensitive adhesive system that actually cures to its maximum bonding strength in just 8 – 12 hours.
Can Koroseal Reatec be wrapped around edges without requiring seams?
Yes. Koroseal Reatec can be applied to many surfaces and custom-installed at 90 to 180 degree angles for applications such as door frames, moldings, handrails, cabinet doors, store fixtures and panel projects.
Can Koroseal Reatec be used on exterior surfaces?
Koroseal Reatec wallcovering can be applied on approved exterior surfaces that are made of metals because they remain stable during changes in climate and will not warp or twist. Some of the most common exterior surfaces include metal signs, columns, doors and store facades.
Is Koroseal Reatec like "contact paper" because they both have an adhesive with a release paper?
Although Koroseal Reatec looks very similar to contact paper, Koroseal Reatec is made of some of the most innovative resurfacing films in the world. Unlike contact paper, Koroseal Reatec cures within 8 – 12 hours after installation and does not peel away or come loose when properly installed.
Can Koroseal Reatec be cleaned with bleach?
Yes. Koroseal Reatec makes a great resurfacing solution for healthcare facilities such as hospitals, medical labs, operating rooms, etc. By simply using a soft cloth dampened with bleach to clean the surface and immediately rinsing it with water and another cloth to remove the residue, Koroseal Reatec is perfect areas where environmental sanitization is a priority.
Why is Koroseal Reatec sometimes referred to as a laminate?
A laminate is simply an overlay that has been bonded to another surface. Because Koroseal Reatec is installed over another surface it can be defined as a laminate.
Is Koroseal Reatec a wallcovering?
A wallcovering is any material that is applied to a vertical wall surface. Because Koroseal Reatec is installed both vertically and horizontally then it is considered a type of wallcovering. Koroseal Reatec wallcovering can be applied to store fixtures, doors and frames, cabinets, elevators doors, movable partitions, office dividers, exhibit displays, restaurant cabinets, bar and lounge centers, bathroom partitions and more.
At Silverado Wallcovering, our goal is to provide competitive prices along with service that is second to none. We are confident that you will be pleased with the services we provide. If you are in the San Francisco bay area and you have any questions or would like to schedule a free estimate, please contact Silverado Wallcovering at 707-480-9362. For your convenience, you can request services online.
Thank you for your interest in Silverado Wallcovering. We look forward to serving you in the near future!
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